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  • 2016 Suri Symposium and All-Suri Fleece Show

2016 Suri Symposium and All-Suri Fleece Show

  • 08/04/2016
  • 8:30 AM
  • 08/06/2016
  • 6:00 PM
  • Embassy Suites, Loveland, Colorado


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • Early Bird registrations run through 7/1/16: Suri Network members: $270 and non-members: $295. After July 1, Suri Network members: $295 and non-members: $325. Single-day registrations are also available. All registrations include lunch for the day/s registered.

Registration is closed

The Suri Symposium is the alpaca education event of the year! You don't want to miss it!

he 2016 Suri Symposium and All-Suri Fleece Show promises three full days of outstanding education and networking opportunities.

General sessions and workshops will include education about fiber, camelid disease genetics, color genetics, breeding for the best fiber, birthing and neonatal care, pasture management, business planning, marketing, and understanding fiber analysis tools.

Listen to what people have had to say about the Symposium:

“Loved the schedule and educational opportunities. Loved 3 full days. Loved the new location in Loveland. Great facility. Best symposium in 5 years!”

“Topics presented were exactly what I needed to learn about to help my alpacas and my farm.”

“Excellent event. As a relatively new Suri owner/breeder I appreciate the vast amount of info and networking here.”

“So glad we finally came. Have heard from others for a good time that was worth the $ and now I know it to be true.”

The Symposium truly offers something for everyone! And then there is the fun! The annual Suri Auction is a blast, whether you buy or just drool!

The Suri Symposium is not just limited to Suri Network members. We encourage and welcome Huacaya breeders, as well as people who have not yet purchased their first alpacas. It's a great learning opportunity for everyone, whether experienced or not!

Symposium Sponsorship Opportunities

You have a great opportunity to support the Symposium and Fleece Show PLUS get recognition for your farm! Consider these levels of sponsorship, and then sign up when you register!

Purely Platinum Level - $2,000

Two Symposium registrations, half page ad in Purely Suri Magazine, one promotional item in bag or on tables, recognition during the Symposium and on the Suri Network website


Purely Gold Level - $1,000

One Symposium registration, one third page ad in Purely Suri Magazine, one promotional item in bag or on tables, recognition during the Symposium and on the Suri Network website.


Purely Silver Level - $500

Quarter page ad in Purely Suri Magazine, promotional item in bag or on tables, and recognition during the Symposium and on the Suri Network website

Meal Sponsors - $350 each

Name and logo on website, recognition on tables on day of sponsorship, one promotional item in bag or on table


Fleece Show Sponsorships


Color Champion Ribbons - $50 for each color class

Grey, Black, Brown, Fawn, Light, White, Multi


Specialty Ribbons - $50

Best Lock, Best Luster, Best Hand


Judges Choice Ribbon - $100

All sponsors will be recognized on the website plus the Symposium Showbook. Please send a jpg of your logo to

Suri Network
Phone: (970) 586-5876
Fax: (970) 591-0007

P.O. Box 1984

Estes Park, Colorado

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Suri Network

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